Saturday, July 19, 2008

Lost in the Orient- a shorter story than the last one

It was Xiu Li’s first day of work at the Pearl of the Orient Health Spa. Her aunt, who dubbed the recent arrival to the West Coast shores of America “Ashley” for professional reasons, warned of the pitfalls of the masseuse business.

“All of our clientele are men,” she said in Mandarin.

Ashley pondered for a moment.

“Isn’t that bad for business? That’s only half of the population.”

“You’re very astute, Xiu…er, I mean Ashley. But the men are repeat customers and they tip very well.”

Her aunt leaned in closer.

“Especially if you’re very friendly to them.”

“Oh, I plan to be friendly, Auntie,” Ashley said. “I mean good relations with customers is essential to running a successful business.”

“That’s precisely right. I would not have guessed that anyone from our tiny, isolated village in China would be so business saavy. But be warned, some men expect sex, and we are not that kind of business.”

“Understood Auntie.”

Within minutes Ashley’s first customer of the day stepped slowly through the door. She greeted him with a smile and led him to the first room available. She allowed him a few minutes to undress and relax. She entered the room and draped a towel over his naked buttocks.
Gently she spread oil on his back and rubbed the tight muscles around his neck and shoulders. He moaned with pleasure.

“Mmm, you’re good with your hands,” he said.

Ashley bowed and giggled. She moved down to his arms and hands. He twisted around for a better look at her face.

“You’re new here, aren’t you?”

She looked up at him momentarily but pressed on with her work. She nodded and smiled.

“English…not good,” she said.

“Ah. Well I must say you certainly are prettier and younger than most of the women who work here,” he said.

“Thank you.”

She kneaded his lower back. It was knotted. She wondered why he was so tense.

“You keep working those hands like that and you might get a big tip. Especially if you do a little ‘extra’ work.”

“Oh tip is good,” she nodded in a friendly manner. She remembered the words of her Auntie.

“Maybe a little…”

He extended his right index finger and inserted into the circle of his left hand between the thumb and index finger. He went back and forth while his eyebrows wiggled.

Ashley stared at him for a moment trying to figure out what he was doing. The answer finally hit her.

“You play?” She said.

“Yes. Oh God, yes I play,” he said, his voice trembling with excitement.

She stopped the massage and stretched her fingers. They cracked as she extended each digit back and forth like a contortionist.

“Oh man, this is going to be good,” he said to himself as he turned over onto his back.

“You ready?” She said.

“Give it to me, baby,” he answered.

She went into the detached thumb routine her father taught her as a child.

“You like?” She said. “Play more?”

“No, no. Not that kind of play. You know…a little suckee suckee perhaps?”

He pursed his lips and sucked through the mouth while his hand held onto an invisible object.

“Ah! Good. Be right back,” she said.

She scurried out of the room and returned with a bottle of water in one hand and a straw in the other. She inserted the straw into the bottle and handed it to him.


“No! I mean, yeah, I’m thirsty. But I want some of this…”

He jerked his right hand back and forth quickly. She watched him and tried to understand what he was doing..

“Ah…I know. More play. Be right back.”

Again she rushed out of the room. By now the customer sighed with frustration.

“Oh God, what is she going to come back with, a goddamn tractor or a giraffe?”

Ashley returned with dice in her hands. She jerked it in her hand and let it ride on top of the small shelf that housed the towels and oils.

“This fun, no?” She said. By now she anticipated a large tip.


The timer rang.

“Time’s up.”

Ashley bowed as she quickly soaked a towel and began to wipe the oil off his back and legs. The customer slowly sat up and began to dress. She waited by the door.

“More water?”

“No. This liter is plenty,” he said.

When he finished dressing he dug into his wallet and gave her a twenty for tip. It was against his wishes but he figured if he was to return, he wouldn’t want word spreading that he did not tip and thus would receive mediocre service. She thanked him, bowed and escorted him out the door and into the lobby. Her Auntie stood behind the receptionist’s window and said goodbye. The customer exited looking tense.

“How was it, Ashley?” She asked in Mandarin.

“Fine. He was a little strange. He just wanted to play children’s games,” Ashley said.
“Really? He didn’t ask for sex?”

“It never came up.”


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